Song 592 ( Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55 )
Today while on the road I saw another driver in an SUV that was driving a bit recklessly. He flew around me, but he kept getting stuck behind red lights and slow trucks so I ended up being behind him constantly. Finally we were where the highway widens to four lanes and the speed limit increases to 65. He was doing 45, so I pulled out and passed him and pulled back in the right lane; as soon as I merged back in he came flying around me doing about 75-80. About a few miles ahead I saw a police cruiser with his lights on with Mr. Speedie pulled over, I grinned as I went by with this song running through my mind. I knew I had to choose this song for today after that.

Here is a recording of the song with cool car pics on YouTube.
Here is the music video on YouTube.
Here is a live performance on YouTube.



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