Song 87 ( Jethro Tull - ...And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps )

I picked this song today because of my recent encounter with the furry little vermin. This song was one of the many songs Ian Anderson wrote about his cats; this one was about his cat Mistletoe and how the cat would ravage the mouse population at his house. I wish that I had a cat like that one, the ones that I have seem scared of the mice. How could an eight+ pound cat be afraid of a mouse that barely weighs an ounce? I bought two different kinds of traps to catch them; I hope it works.
Anyway, the song is a bit complex and I really like the John Evans' and David Palmer's keyboard work as well as John Glascock's bass. The one major detractor to this song for me is at the end when they repeat the lyrics: "The mouse police never sleeps" over and over, which is quite monotonous.
Here is the studio version on YouTube.
Here is a canned television performance with Moths as well on YouTube. ...And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps starts at the 4:00 minute mark.
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