1023 The Moody Blues - I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)

1023 The Moody Blues - I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)

I've had this song running through my mind for the last couple of days and when I went to search for the song on ye olde iPod, surprisingly it was not there. Apparently I have not brought my LP record of Seventh Sojourn into the 21st Century yet; I will have to remedy this soon. I have most all of their catalogue already digitized, it is weird that I forgot this album, oh well....
The rhythm section in this song is what drives it for me, especially Graeme Edge's drumming; it is quite entertaining watching him play this song live, especially in the earlier performances.

Here is the studio version on YouTube.
Here is a music video on YouTube.
Here is a live performance on YouTube.

My song pick a year ago today: Queen - One Vision
My song pick two years ago today: Megadeth - Captive Honour



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