1332 Kristoph Klover - Fire in the Sky
1332 Kristoph Klover - Fire in the Sky
From: To Touch the Stars: A Musical Celebration of Space Exploration, Year: 2004; Genre: Folk/Space Rock
Today is the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, which was the first time in history that a human ventured into space. I figured I should choose something apropos for my pick today, so here's one off of the To Touch the Stars album that seemed quite fitting.
This is a Folk/Rock song written by Kristoph Klover written about the drive to "reach the stars" and the sojourns man has made into space.
Hear Fire in the Sky on YouTube.
My song pick a year ago today: David Bowie - The Supermen
My song pick two years ago today: The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years From Home
My song pick three years ago today: Garbage - Push It
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